Thursday, October 16, 2008

Photos from the October 14th Teen Reading at the NYPL!


Many amazing things happened at the last reading:

1) We changed locations last-minute to the New York Public Library Jefferson Market Branch (from Barnes & Noble West Village) and we started almost on time.

2) As our readers read their prose, memoirs, poetry, and scripts, the audience (of about 55) laughed and gasped at all the right moments.

3) It turns out that our young literati are phenomenal actors, too. It was incredible to hear Lena Beckenstein's script read aloud so... dramatically. :-)

4) The editors of the forthcoming teen anthology of six-word memoirs came and answered all pressing questions, relaying info such as:

a) the book will be published sometime over the next year

b) emails will go out within a couple of months to all those whose memoirs they choose to include

c) and of course, you'll get a free book along with it!

5) The "Six-Word Memoir Blast" inspired the writing of more six-word memoirs... which can still be submitted to the website --and can still be featured and commented upon by others.

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