Congratulations Six-Word Memoir Finalists:
Visala Alagappan, 13:
I always imagine clowns without makeup.
Lena Beckenstein, 15:
Always all-county, never all-state.
Noa Bendit-Shtull, 16:
I edit my profile, or visa-versa?
Louis Evans, 17:
Nada y pues nada, Hemingway says.
Lily Gellman, 14:
Thought I ought, so sought, wrought.
Chris Hamilton, 17:
Teen victim of shooting: lost leg.
Pearl Mutnick, 14:
Summer camp: Alone, with Sedaris anecdotes.
Dan Ross, 15:
Read the thesaurus on the toilet.
Rachel Sobelsohn, 13:
Pencil on paper, draft after draft
Ena Selmanovic, 13:
Turned thirteen and don't feel different.
Yael Wiesenfeld, 16:
But my life's only just begun.
Jessica Zalph, 14:
Wikipedia didn't know either. Oh well.
We had a blast developing these short, powerful pieces and are stoked to be considered for publication!!!
Thanks Rachel and Larry!
Great blog... great project. Keep developing those writing minds!
'Read the Thesaurus on the toilet' that's great! That's my favorite one, I thought I was the only one who did that, obviously not...LOL!
ha, some great thoughts in there.
I had heard of the first book, and had read and offered my six-line bios, too.
You all did great with yours!
Kudos on that and on the blog as a whole.
hehe, good thoughts in there. helped to clear my writer's block too
*goes back to writing*
ha ha! that's fantastic.
we did this in my creative writing class, and the teacher told me he made it up. ha. guess not.
Anyway, mine was: "The clothes never fit quite right."
Garrett -- nice six-word. :-) Your teacher may have never have heard of the book, etc... eh. You can still post on Rachel and Larry's site--did you check it out?
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